Photodynamic Therapy
in Sacramento, CA
What is PDT?
Photodynamic therapy (otherwise known as “PDT”) treats premalignant growths by using photosensitizing agents (levulan kerastick), along with blue light to kill pre-cancerous cells.
What are the benefits of PDT?
The greatest advantage of PDT is the ability to treat an entire area of skin in a less invasive and more precise approach compared to other treatment. Additionally, PDT can also offer cosmetic benefits such as leaving the skin smoother and more even toned with no scarring.
Each person has a different reaction, but the symptoms below are some of the symptoms you may experience:1. Dry and flaky skin
2. Itchy skin
3. Redness, similar to a sunburn
4. Hot spots – spots that are more irritated than other
Overall, most patients tolerate the procedure very well without complications. Each person will have a difference in reaction, but you may experience dry, flaky or itchy skin, redness (similar to a sunburn) or “hot spots” which are spots that are more irritated than others. You will want to stay indoors and avoid any direct or indirect light exposure for 48 hours. Come see us in office for a consultation to find out if PDT is right for you!PDT Aftercare Instructions:
- Avoid sunshine or exposure to direct intense light for 40 hours after the procedure.
- If you feel a burning sensation when exposed to a light (ipad, overhead fluorescent etc) please remove yourself from the exposure.
- If arms or legs were treated, ensure they are covered for 40 hours after the procedure.
- Apply moisturizer daily, especially when the skin feels dry and tight.
- Apply sunscreen daily
If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (916) 925-7020